How Speakers Work

How Speakers Work

A Set Of Illustrations Demonstrating The Science Of Speaker Technology Technology has advanced over the years but “Sound Waves” still work the same way they have for thousands of years… probably since the creation of air and the evolution of the ear to perceive it....
History Of Audio Engineering

History Of Audio Engineering

In 1877 Thomas Edison changes history when he plays “Mary’s Little Lamb” with tinfoil wrapped around a rotating cylinder. It was the birth of the Phonograph. 10 years later Emile Berliner patents the gramophone, a flat-disc invention making multiple duplication...
History Of Music Formats

History Of Music Formats

1877 Invented by Thomas Edison the “Phonograph Cylinder” was the earliest commercial solution for recording sound. 1892 Gramophone or the “Disc Record Gramophone” was invented by Emile Berliner. It is technically described as a flat polyvinyl chloride disc featuring...

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